Biotechnological Innovation from the Arctic Ocean
Bioactive marine natural products are present in vast numbers in the Arctic Ocean and represent a treasure of largely new unexplored chemical structures.
These compounds exert their biological effects through known and unknown mechanisms of action and promise the discovery of new and better treatment approaches for many diseases that hitherto cannot be treated or can only be treated inadequately.
Arctic marine ecosystems are an extremely rich source of bioactive compounds that can be used as a basis for the discovery and development of novel and effective medicines.
First closing of seed financing: Equity investments from KHAN Technology Transfer Fund I GmbH & Co KG (KHAN-I) and Berners AS
Start of FLT3 inhibitor project work
Seed financing secured through convertible loans from KHAN Technology Transfer Fund I GmbH & Co KG (KHAN-I) and Norinnova
Press release: Norwegian start-up KinSea to exploit the potential of marine bioactives for the treatment of cancer and other diseases
KinSea's foundation
KinSea Lead Discovery AS (KinSea) is a new biotechnology start-up company developing marine bioactive compounds into pharmaceutically active products.
To maximize the potential of marine natural products from the Arctic Ocean and bridge the gap between academia and industry, a drug discovery pipeline shall be established.
The therapeutic indications cover cancers as well as other diseases with high, unmet clinical need. With our first FLT3 inhibitor asset, which has successfully passed the animal proof-of-concept phase, we will develop a targeted therapy for hematologies.
KinSea Lead Discovery AS is a pharmaceutical start-up company founded in September 2022 by UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), the University of Bergen (UiB), Norinnova, and the Lead Discovery Center GmbH (LDC). Based in Tromsø, Norway, KinSea started operations in March 2023. Seed financing is secured through convertible loans from KHAN Technology Transfer Fund I GmbH & Co KG (KHAN-I), an early-stage life sciences venture fund based in Germany, and through Norinnova, UiT´s agency for research commercialization, with the purpose to expand the investor syndicate.


Jeanette Hammer Andersen, CEO
Jeanette is CEO and co-founder of KinSea and a professor at UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT). She is a biologist in marine bioprospecting and has headed the natural products platform Marbio at UiT since its foundation in 2004.

Bengt Erik Haug, CSO
Bengt Erik is CSO and co-founder of KinSea. He is a synthetic organic chemist by training and has more than 20 years of experience in medicinal chemistry, small molecule synthesis, and early-stage drug discovery.

Anne-Kathrin Klebl, COO
Anne-Kathrin is COO of KinSea. She has a background in marine biology and environmental sciences, and has many years of experience in pharmaceutical drug discovery and operational company management.

Espen Holst Hansen, Scientist
Espen is a co-founder and scientist at KinSea, focusing on the identification of novel compounds and in vitro assays. In addition, Espen is a professor in marine biotechnology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Kine Østnes Hansen, Scientist
Kine is a co-founder and scientist at KinSea with expertise in project management, compound management, and identification and profiling of novel compounds for drug discovery.

Annette Bayer, Scientist
Annette is a co-founder and scientist at KinSea, with expertise in design and synthesis strategies of new compounds for drug discovery.
KHAN Technology Transfer Fund I GmbH & Co KG (KHAN-I) is an early-stage life sciences venture fund with €70 million under management.
KHAN-I´s mission is to create value through cooperative drug development partnerships with academic innovators in Europe. KHAN-I focuses on first-in-class therapies for attractive markets with a high unmet medical need.
The fund is managed by Khanu Management GmbH, an experienced team of professionals with proven track records in early-stage drug development and academic spin-offs as well as pharma licensing and partnering. KHAN-I received an investment from the European Investment Fund with the support of InnovFin Equity, and with the financial backing of the European Union under Horizon 2020 Financial Instruments and the European Fund for Strategic Investments under the Investment Plan for Europe.
KHAN-I is also supported by Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (with funds provided by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and the Austrian Foundation for Research, Technology, and Development), Max Planck Foundation, and Thyssen’sche Handelsgesellschaft mbH. In addition, KHAN-I sustains a preferred partnership with the Max-Planck Society (Max-Planck Gesellschaft e.V.).
For more information visit:

Norinnova is one of Northern Norway's most competent and experienced agencies for research commercialization.
Norinnova connects researchers, start-up environments, companies and commercial actors to develop and utilize the region’s innovation power. For more than 30 years, Norinnova has worked closely with researchers and leading research communities in Northern Norway to harness the power of innovation in the north.
This collaboration has contributed to the creation of brand-new businesses and has reinforced existing companies through new products and services. Norinnova secures rights, helps provide funding, investigates market potential, finds relevant partners, and contributes so that the scientists can get their product or service to the market.
Further information at

Berners AS is a newly established, privately owned investment company, based in Tromsø, Norway.
Through investments and active ownership, Berners will contribute to the development of profitable and sustainable businesses, especially within the seafood and marine sector. We aim to be a supporter of the development of brands and competence clusters in Northern Norway.
Our investment strategy is based on our knowledge and love for the coast and the sea, and the opportunities that exist there. Berners is owned by Triko AS (80%) and Larren Invest AS (20%).
Board of Directors

Espen Holst Hansen
Espen has a background in biochemistry and has been working in the field of bioactive natural products for almost 30 years. He is a co-founder of KinSea and a professor in marine biotechnology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Monika Vöpel
Monika is a certified balance sheet specialist and Deputy Head of Finance at Lead Discovery Center GmbH, Dortmund, Germany. Her tasks include the cost calculation of research and development projects. In addition, she ensures compliance with tax regulations and is the contact person for the external tax office, tax consultants and the preparation of annual financial statements.

Bert Klebl
Bert has over 20 years of experience in the life science industry. He has worked in different positions in the field of drug discovery and early drug development. He is managing director of the KHAN Technology Transfer Fund I GmbH & Co KG and CEO & CSO of the Lead Discovery Center GmbH.

Asbjørn Lilletun
Asbjørn is an experienced executive working with innovation and business development in the intersection between research and industry. He has a substantial experience with sales & marketing, development of startups and commercialization of research. He has been involved in the life science industry through different roles in AstraZeneca, Biotech North Cluster, Norway Healthtech and Akvaplan-Niva, and he is CEO of Norinnova.

Renate Larsen
Renate is an expert in the entire value chain in the seafood industry. She is the former Managing Director of Norwegian Seafood Council AS and Lerøy Aurora AS. Renate also has extensive experience from board positions, including Folketrygdfondet, Nofima and various companies within Lerøy. Currently, she is chairman of the Regional Health Authority of Northern Norway (Helse Nord RHF) and Oceanfood AS, as well as a member of the board of Bane NOR SF, Mowi ASA, Frøy AS, Calanus AS and the Norwegian Handball Association. She holds a Master of Business from the Norwegian School of Economics.